Friday, August 13, 2010

there's a lake of stew and of whiskey too...

you can paddle all around them in a big canoe. 

yeah, it's that time of the day, kids. time for my daily assault on your senses. i've just smoked a wee bit of the trees, not enough to make myself ramble i think. i hope!

yeah, so i got reminded of the harry mcclintock classic, "the big rock candy mountains". damn ll bean. that isn't exactly a feel good song, you know? it's about hobos. something we may be seeing more of if the goddamn gubmint don't pull its collective head out of its collective tuchas. as it is, i think people who grow fruit and veg in their yards have the right idea. i know if i had a yard (like i owned it!) i'd yank out the lawn and the landscape. my crops could be arranged in such a way as to be attractive. i'd want it to look good. and make anyone who walked past hungry. :)

yeah. good idea. it's money you don't have to spend on food. 

yeah... buzz is still kinda sneaking up on me. so i might ramble a bit. 

megamillions is worth $75 millions tonight. i wonder what one would get after taxes. i know if i won it i'd buy an older, smaller house on a fairly good sized lot over in bluff park or belmont heights. something i could work with but needed love. and i'd rip my landscape out and make some raised beds of herbs in the front yard. thyme and chives are particularly lovely when they bloom. and the whole front of my house would smell good, no? and it would serve to help cover up the smell of the herb superb wafting out the windows. lol

i would live well below my means. i feel shellshocked from being so damn broke. wendell is still looking for a job. we're still living on his unemployment. i praise the psm our rent is as low as it is. and the other day i got my second gas bill since may with a negative balance. even though it would only be like $10 if i got one, i *love* getting to skip a bill. 

the whole experience has made me tight with a buck. i think i always will be, no matter what our financial future looks like. well, this and seeing what a shambles my dad made of his finances. i do not want to be in the boat he got himself into... fucking scary. so it isn't a bad thing, right? i mean, i want to enjoy my life a bit more than i am right now, but if i walk away from this hellishness knowing it's better to be thoughtful, even overly so, with my money i've learned far more than my dad ever did. 

yeah... and julianne was in bawlmer! you know about my "the wire" fixation. i know it's a beat to hell town, but i think i'd dig getting to have blue crab cakes and getting called "hon". :)

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