Friday, September 16, 2011


pearl jam. this song kinda goes away and you think it's over and then about a minute later, it's back. kinda like my aggravation level today. for fuck's sake, i should not have to wear earplugs every minute of the goddamn day to tolerate my neighbors, right? did i spend too much time out in suburbia and become too used to the quiet? i know i took having somewhere to park for granted, but the quiet. my god, how i miss the quiet.

the quiet, cortina's, and zankou chicken are all i miss about anaslime, but fuck how i miss them.

lol. i kinda wish the song that's playing now had been when i started. it's "psychotic girl" by the black keys. 

i've been visited by old friends in my dreams lately. last night it was tony san marchi. he was hanging out with my brother (?) at our old house. apparently, my bro had stashed like 3 lbs of ganja, and they were busting up the built-in brick fireplace to fetch it, all the while smoking joints rolled in un-rolling papers... no idea why tony showed up. i don't think he had ever been in one of my dreams. which is kinda weird. 20 years ago i was pretty damn hot for him. 

k. i'm high and "hotwax" by beck is in my ears. i gotta bounce. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

bullet with butterfly wings

lazy saturday. should have done some housework, but that'll wait till tomorrow. what couldn't wait another second was my hooves. did the full-on pedi a bit ago. it's nice not walking on calluses, yo!
here's a meme! i stole it from mrs. chili over @

1. do you believe in heaven?  i believe that if there is a heaven, it's here on earth. 
2. have you ever come close to dying?  yup. the more time that passes since that accident, the more i wonder how i didn't die right there on the 91. 
3. what jewelry do you wear 24/7?   none, not even my wedding ring. if for no other reason, it would come off to cook.
4. would you ever consider having plastic surgery?  consider? i've HAD plastic surgery. facial reconstruction, yo! (see ? #2.)
5. what do you wear to bed?  a very big, very comfy t-shirt. 
6. have you ever done anything illegal?  i'm doing something illegal right now. :p
7. who was the last person that you touched? myself? lol! if i don't count, wen'l. 
8. where did you eat last?  at home. last night. steak frites and a salad. wen'l did the steak. dry-aged bone-in new york. seasoned and grilled to perfection. i handled the rest. 
9. besides your own blog, are there any that you routinely read but never comment on? mrs. chili's. thoughts from galicia, spain. rurally screwed. 
10. ever been involved with the police?  a couple times for having a burned out tail light, and a couple of times because of various dipshit neighbors. 
11. do you talk in your sleep?  no. 
12. now a celebrity fantasy. who would you take on a ménage à trois for a dirty weekend?   i am reaaaally not into the idea of a threesome. also, i couldn't limit myself to three. anthony bourdain, ewan mcgregor, matt damon. at least a fivesome. 
13. do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life?  i've been successful in a couple areas. i picked the perfect mate (for me). i'm still here and i still have an unquenchable thirst to learn. i didn't get knocked up. but underachievement is the name of my game. 
14. where do you wish you were?  san gimignano, italy.
15. have you ever ridden in an ambulance? twice. and that faceplant on the 91 freeway wasn't one of them. i was conscious, and there's nothing crappier than being on a gurney in the back of a bus and knowing it. 
16. is there any type of dancing that you love to do?  i like bopping along to the tunes my pandora treats me to. does that count?
17. last gift you received?  the hub just dusted and vacuumed! that's a swell fucking gift :)
18. last sport you played?  crap. it's been too long since i played any sport. 
19. last place you went on holiday? huntington beach, california. a week at my aunt's. soft bed, but sooooo quiet. 
20. current song?  "everlong", by foo fighters. on "the colour and the shape". fucking a. blogger blogger says "colour" is misspelled. lol

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

is that all?

so. my titles are going to be the song i'm listening to when i start a post. this song is by U2. it's on their second album (cuz that's what it was goddammit. i bought the LP.) "october".

one of my absolute favorite blogs is shut down till october. i don't know how people write a cogent, even entertaining post every day. hell, even most days. esp. when one has kids and all they entail, a job outside the house and then a home (that isn't an apartment the size of a refrigerator box!) to take care of. i got nothing but time and i have a hard time doing it. i think that's mostly because i have content problems. 

1. i clean a bit every day. this means my whole place is seldom shipshape at the same time. but it also means i don't have to inhale a bunch of cleaning products (and even method gets old, you know?) on the same day that i sweep and mop. those 2 things wreck my back. they got my mom in the gut. *le sigh* my mom... gone five years now. i STILL have dreams where i tell her off. i'm wondering what i have to do to get rid of them, because it seems to me like i've put all that shit to rest in the real world.... i also don't believe in doing a week worth of laundry at once. again, i have the time to do some every day... 

2. there's just an assload of stuff i could write about, and a hundred stories i could tell. i think i'm sort of afraid to. does it really matter what any of you thinks? i think i'm not quite over myself, you know?

3. it was bloody fucking hot here today. 93 i think. told you the hellish weather would show up in september, didn't i? least it's much less muggy than it was the last time it was this hot. could be even more dry, though! wen'l doesn't like it, but i figure if it's gonna be 90+, the humidity should be about 12%. all i'd have to do is pound ice water all day and i'd be ok. when it's like this, it's like i don't really come to life till about 6pm. it's probably about 85 now. 

4. i promised there'd be recipes. last thing i wanna do when it's this hot is cook. i'm gonna have a ham sangwich later, and maybe a pickle. 

5. after living here for a year and a half, i finally got around to having an actual conversation with the couple down in #6. they both speak spanish. well duh! so do i! the man asked how i was... "bien?" me: "asi asi." and the damn floodgates opened! she's going to mexico to have surgery. i'm thinking a hysterectomy, but she didn't say so. next time i see em out there, i'm gonna introduce myself properly. was cool saying something other than "hola!" though :)

anyway, come october, i'll share the URL for that blog i'm jonesing for. there's some good peeps over there, and a couple of really kick-ass short stories. binko could have, should have been a published author. but in her case, as in so many, life got in the fucking way. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

bad habits die hard

but at least wendell got the wireless nic (aka, AirPort) working in this apple. this poor, ancient apple. the HP i had been using while this thing was broke kicked the bucket on saturday. :(  i hope it wasn't anything i did! 

anyway, back to the apple. the precious. it still has the best monitor i've ever seen. 

been hot as fuck here lately. 90's and muggy. 90 is bad enough when it's dry, yo. looks like it's gonna be cooler for the next 10 days or so. i hope y'all (cept my SIL. she probably knows this) know that just as you guys are starting to break out the long pants and real shoes again, our hot weather has just shown up. not that i'm bitching about our weather. and god! praise jeebus all we have to worry about here are earthquakes. the mid-atlantic got ordered to grab its ankles the last week or so. 

so yeah. glad i'm still here in california. costs a grip to live here, and the traffic. lord, the traffic. a nightmare the likes of which y'all do not understand. and for a place so well known for its sprawl, the part of it i live in is surprisingly dense. 

k i'm out. gonna go enjoy this wee buzz and bop along to "root down" by les boys beastie. nite!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

parla italiano?


so day 4. wendell and i went to the library. checked out three of tony bourdain's books, some stuff along the lines of "mastering italian", and "my life in france" by julia child. my library card had expired and i had fines to the tune of $2.10, even though i'd never checked anything out. transfered some shit that i never picked up, that i didn't know got transferred. they got my email address wrong when i applied for the card in april 2010, and i didn't catch it then.

anyway, i've got till 7 sept. got a lot of stuff to read. hopefully wendell's card will show up by then so we can check out the italian language shit again. i'm a smart bitch, but no way am i going to master italian in 3 weeks. lol

i do wonder how long it will take me to be able to make a blogpost in italian. i did one in spanish on my old blog, i think. remembering as much spanish as i do is making the whole learning italian thing not quite so daunting.

i must go. dinner does not cook itself around here. :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

is reverb really so hard to understand?

i ask because it seems to be a concept above the heads of the people in #2. their music is louder at my front door than at theirs. the breezeway is usually a good thing, but not when someone is playing music or waging world war iii with their kids.

anyhoo... i'm alone. wendell had class tonight. listening to some tool, smoking a little weed. had a busy day. changed the slipcover on the couch and washed and reapplied (lol. reapplied.) the slipcover on the chair. dusted. i have lots of horizontal surfaces, so that's a legitimate undertaking. swept the floor. vacuumed the rug. i should take a pic of it tomorrow while it looks good.

i'm finally going to get to busy on some art for my own living room. huey turned out really well, and my brother really does dig it. i had something in mind for this one canvas, but i think i want to take an eraser to it and start over. no pencil this time. actually i need to paint at least 2 things, one a 36" square,  and a 24x48".

yeah... so that's it. i'm gonna go play some ac:2. i need to get it finished.


Monday, August 15, 2011

day 2

lol. is this going to be harder than i imagined? there's a hundred things bothering me right now, and finding *one* to write about is difficult through all that noise. maybe that's what i should write about then? the 100 things?

(well, let's see... the list probably won't get up to 100, maybe not even 10. we'll see.)

1. the months long jerking around i've had at harbor-ucla. for a good long time, i was one of the cowed sheep who didn't think i had any room to bitch. i mean, i've gone to the doc maybe 10 times since february, and i've had a couple of spendy procedures so far (biopsy and ct scan), and my one bill is for $840. it showed up a few weeks after the ct. it's not itemized or anything, though. anyway, there have been 4 occasions on which i was scheduled to have surgery. 2 were rescheduled. one time i went, and was there for 6 hours, no food or water since midnight, etc, before they told me they'd have done surgery but that i'd need to spend the night, and they had no bed. the 4th time, same thing, AND they wanted to admit me the day before for my labs. yeah, make me spend another night there (getting no sleep) to do something i can do w/o being admitted? but alas, their wanting it was moot... again, no bed. 

the thing that really fries my ass? it's rescheduled. for 29 september. FML. i just want the shit out of me, and i'm looking at 2 surgeries to make that so.

2. tired tired tired of being broke. i don't think this requires any explanation.

3. so very grateful for the presence of a few people in my life. and some of them i've never even met. or i've met. once. and both of us were the same but also very different, or so young that she still scared me. and sometimes the distance between all of us (after it's a long haul to bumblefuck, pa, etc) really pisses me off.

4. i need some new videogames. joel's gonna lend us "infamous2" in exchange for a carne asada dinner next weekend, and in the meantime i'm playing "ac:2" for probably the 20th time. the firmware update last tuesday did make a pretty significant difference in how the game looks, and that's cool... but isn't it about time for the new "ac" game already?!?

k, maybe more bitching later. i'm gonna go play.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

been a minute, 2.0

i'm gonna make myself write here everyday for awhile. i need to develop some discipline. i need to allow myself 15 minutes a day to bitch, so i get in the habit of writing everyday again.

maybe i should be writing about all the shit that fries my ass. pick one thing about the world that's working my nerves each day and give it 15 minutes.

i'm repeating myself. i think it's because it's time to be thinking about dinner. it's about quarter after seven. i've gotta put some oven fries in the hot box, and it's gonna be another 35-40 minutes before i eat. tri-tip sandwiches, with leftovers from yesterday's birthday dinner for my brother. he said goodbye to his dirty thirties last night.

so yeah. gripefest 2011 and maybe the occasional recipe. it's on, bitches.

Friday, January 28, 2011

powering up the smoke

life is too motherfucking short to give myself a bunch of grief for not posting here since 23 october 2010. apparently, i had nothing of importance to share. or perhaps my view of the world in general and my fellow americans in particular has gone just sideways enough that i *had* to vent about it, lest i go postal. 

oh how i wish there had been wikileaks, twitter and foursquare and cheap cell phones, and a president with half a brain 10 years ago. it would have been cheaper to supply the entire third world a cell phone and provide service for them AND invent wikileaks than it has been to prosecute our various adventures in the middle east and south asia. 

these tweeting revolutionaries have my most mad props. courageous AND clever. i have to give it up. i've been of the mind that we as americans are well overdue for a revolt. not in the teabagger sense, because i don't think we pay enough taxes. i don't think it's our damn business to be mixing it up over oil and other natural resources. we should be inventing (or perfecting) the next thing that will power up the smoke in our front-loading washing machines and iPhone(tm) chargers and flat irons. we should be taking care of our people the way we tell the rest of the world to.

i think i need all the rights a bunch of scared motherfuckers gave up for me a little over nine years ago back! i also need to stop hearing about how bad-ass the economy is because the dow jones is at 12,000 and that the economic downturn the whole world has suffered couldn't be foreseen. look, i have zero (i mean bupkes!) background in economics, but i knew it was coming! i heard some talking head on nice polite republicans this morning talking about how there was no way to see any of it coming. he also said that we're experiencing actual growth in our economy. i'll believe it when the unemployment rate in the state of california isn't 12.4%. 

i don't know that washington should be the only city that gets marched into. the lower part of manhattan and fairfield county, connecticut have a lot to answer for as well. speculation is going to be the cause of perhaps millions of people not being able to afford to eat. according to capitalism, things that are plentiful are not supposed to be expensive. there's enough wheat and corn. but people hedging about their future availability and ordering more of something than will actually be available to make it look scarce isn't fucking capitalism if that's the case. it's fucking fraud, and criminal if for no other reason. also, if you (as a company or a fund) cannot take actual physical delivery of a commodity, you should not be allowed to speculate in its futures market. 

i'm not exactly a communist, or a socialist. but i am no capitalist or fascist, and for that forever grateful.