Saturday, September 10, 2011

bullet with butterfly wings

lazy saturday. should have done some housework, but that'll wait till tomorrow. what couldn't wait another second was my hooves. did the full-on pedi a bit ago. it's nice not walking on calluses, yo!
here's a meme! i stole it from mrs. chili over @

1. do you believe in heaven?  i believe that if there is a heaven, it's here on earth. 
2. have you ever come close to dying?  yup. the more time that passes since that accident, the more i wonder how i didn't die right there on the 91. 
3. what jewelry do you wear 24/7?   none, not even my wedding ring. if for no other reason, it would come off to cook.
4. would you ever consider having plastic surgery?  consider? i've HAD plastic surgery. facial reconstruction, yo! (see ? #2.)
5. what do you wear to bed?  a very big, very comfy t-shirt. 
6. have you ever done anything illegal?  i'm doing something illegal right now. :p
7. who was the last person that you touched? myself? lol! if i don't count, wen'l. 
8. where did you eat last?  at home. last night. steak frites and a salad. wen'l did the steak. dry-aged bone-in new york. seasoned and grilled to perfection. i handled the rest. 
9. besides your own blog, are there any that you routinely read but never comment on? mrs. chili's. thoughts from galicia, spain. rurally screwed. 
10. ever been involved with the police?  a couple times for having a burned out tail light, and a couple of times because of various dipshit neighbors. 
11. do you talk in your sleep?  no. 
12. now a celebrity fantasy. who would you take on a ménage à trois for a dirty weekend?   i am reaaaally not into the idea of a threesome. also, i couldn't limit myself to three. anthony bourdain, ewan mcgregor, matt damon. at least a fivesome. 
13. do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life?  i've been successful in a couple areas. i picked the perfect mate (for me). i'm still here and i still have an unquenchable thirst to learn. i didn't get knocked up. but underachievement is the name of my game. 
14. where do you wish you were?  san gimignano, italy.
15. have you ever ridden in an ambulance? twice. and that faceplant on the 91 freeway wasn't one of them. i was conscious, and there's nothing crappier than being on a gurney in the back of a bus and knowing it. 
16. is there any type of dancing that you love to do?  i like bopping along to the tunes my pandora treats me to. does that count?
17. last gift you received?  the hub just dusted and vacuumed! that's a swell fucking gift :)
18. last sport you played?  crap. it's been too long since i played any sport. 
19. last place you went on holiday? huntington beach, california. a week at my aunt's. soft bed, but sooooo quiet. 
20. current song?  "everlong", by foo fighters. on "the colour and the shape". fucking a. blogger blogger says "colour" is misspelled. lol

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