Monday, August 23, 2010

well it's been a minute

since i last posted. i need to stop this right now. neglecting to write is a bad habit i'm not going to tolerate this time. 

it's been hot as balls the last couple days. one bad thing about the super mild "summer" we'd been having is that when it does decide to show up for a week or so, it really kicks our ass. it's not as bad the last couple days of one of these spells, because i start getting used to it. but the first four or five really kick my ass. 

i've lost some weight. mostly because it's too damned hot for coke, so i've been drinking ice water a lot during the day. that and i've been eating cold stuff for dinner. insalata caprese last friday. ah... insalata caprese. it makes me long for enough dirt to grow some tomatoes and basil. if either of my readers has a plant or 6, make one when the tomato is still a little warm from the sun. i swear, there's nothing better to eat in this world. 

ahh... so wendell and i have been amusing ourselves figuring out what we're going to do when we win the megamillions. we haven't yet. we're going to tomorrow. *lol* anyhoo... i need to get a passport, and i bet that takes a minute these days, and i need to shed a ton or 2... a year based in florence. k.. i need to digress... when we got the dyson air multiplier, we got a ps3 game called assassin's creed 2. it's set in italy. florence and the tuscan countryside, a town in emilia-romagna called forli, venice, rome. and it's just a damn game but it looks sick. then we made the mistake of watching this show on cooking channel called la dolce vita... and the dude just happened to be in florence (!) and in one segment, he and his pals were playing soccer in front of santa maria de fiore... in the piazza del duomo(!!!11!1) 

so yeah, our wee pea brains are like totally blown. the megamillions is worth $115 million tomorrow. cash value's something like $65 million. i don't think an apartment between santa croce and il duomo would tap us if we won. :) and look, i know toscana is so 10 years ago and shit, but there's a reason it blew up with tourists. and one could see a lot of italy based there. lazio, umbria, emilia-romagna. *le sigh* and wendell and i would both be speaking good italian in a year's time. 

good news today. wen'ls unemployment extension is a go. being broke sucks. but i think i'm developing some good habits because of it. i think a lot of people around my age are going to be like my grandparents' generation. they all were at an age during the depression where it colored their thinking about money for the rest of their lives. it's making me think twice about throwing things out. if i can fix it (like i fixed a hole in some shorts today), i do. if it's something i can repurpose, i do. and even if i did when the lottery, i'd live smaller than one would think. if i ever bought a house, it would be small. i watch "top gear", but i'd never drive a lamborghini (even if i could get my ass in and out of one!). experiences are something i'd splurge on if i had even a bit of money.

k, brain dump done. y'all have a good evening, and smoke em if you got em. 


The Bizza said...

You must tell me how assassin's creed 2 plays! Though I loved the 1st one, I've been gunshy about buying the sequel due to the economy.

Anonymous said...


If you liked the first AC you will probably really enjoy AC2. It is the same general concept, but with more intricacy and flexibility. It looks sicker, too. Many hours of playtime and a decent plot. There are a few glitches here and there, but not all that bad for a multi-platform release. If you generally like the stealth/adventure/sandbox style of play in this franchise I think you should pick this one up if you find it for a good price.

wen'l (joolz' husband)