Saturday, October 23, 2010

been a minute

and i apologize. i been writing checks various parts of the corpus can't cash lately. promised bizza a donation. i feel like a complete ass for not coughing one up.

still haven't heard anything about that gig wendell had the *final* interview, aka 4 person tag team. they made it sound to him that even the unlucky parties would hear something, so i'm not gonna freak yet. but lemme tell you... the boy's brilliant and he cleans up REAL good. he has this hickey freeman suit... single breasted gray chalkstripe.. pants are pleated (he, like most guys, looks better in flat-fronts), but ya can't tell with the jacket. crisp white shirt, ike behar blue silk tie, allen-edmonds shoes. he looked like new money. and like i said, brilliant. he'd have to know how to make himself look stupid, you know? he knows his geek-related shit.

i'm a smart fucker, but there's all kinds of stuff he knows well that i can't even wrap my head around, and not just electricity. the only thing i have on him is it would be easier to learn another language, and not by much.

so tomorrow we're going to my cousin deb and her girl nancy's place for the very last time tomorrow. they're headed to costa rica... and i have it on good authority from a FB friend of kona's that their place is where it is because the surf's big and they party a lot around there. sounds like the HB of central america, but with better surf. lol. it'll be a minute before i taste deb's cookin again, and she's got mad skillz, yo. be a minute before i get the two of them loaded again and drink homemade limoncello.

must be exciting. in a way i'm jealous, but i kinda need unexciting right now. well, just as soon as CDW offers wendell a job, dull would be good. :)

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